Rory McCaffrey
User-Centered, Data-Driven, UX Design & Researcher
Currently Working On

2024 - Los Angeles

Consulting and Volunteering

Offering my skills in usability testing, website optimization, and strategy pro-bono for nonprofit organizations working to improve the civic and healthcare sector.

2023 - Now

Designing a More Human-Centered Telecom Service.

Design System, Web Design | Communications
Designed and refined existing branding guidelines, coordinated marketing materials, developed website to be more user-friendly, accessible, and up-to-date with content, SEO, and usability audits. Incorporated more people to showcase impact of services on the end user.

Web Design, Copywriting | Telecommunications
Designed an informational website about what Next Generation 911 (NG911) is, who it's for, and why it exists. Evaluated pitfalls of the existing website design, researched NG911 and relevant laws, broke down features from other websites, created visual and copy, and communicated with developer team.

Immanuel House

Web Design | Non-Profit
Designed and built website for the refugee, transitory housing organization, Immanuel House of San Jose. Performed backend services to streamline functions including; setting up Google Workspace, creating e-mail accounts for administration, migrating to new web hosting platform, integrating Google forms/email notifications, and indexing for search engine visibility.

Project Kiki

Service Design | Health

Designed a service for increasing accessibility of maternal health information for mothers in Kenya. Conducted literature reviews and interviewed public health researchers who worked in similar ethnogeographical regions to uncover a larger issue stemming from mistrust with Kenya's maternal healthcare. Designed an interactive voice response, IVR, system to increase engagement via ecosystem maps, journey maps, and service design blueprint.


Usability Testing | Health

Designed, wrote, moderated, and evaluated the results of a usability test for a dashboard designed for rural public health practitioners operating in Alaska, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Uncovered the ambiguity of public health categories, even from federal resources are often disputed by on-the-ground practitioners and can impact adoption from currently used and less-efficient resources.
🎺  Where There are Dreams, There are Dragons
🎮  Northgard
📔 TMNT: The Last Ronin
🎞 Steven Levitan - Reboot
(c) 2024 Rory McCaffrey